

Name: Demyx
Nicknames: Demmy/Dem
Sns: @demyxtery
Age: 27 (visually), ~5100 actual
Birthday: January 14th
Birthplace: Ancient Egypt
Race: Immortal
Sub-Race: Child of Bast
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Host, The Viper Room
Owner: None
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'11
Powers: Speed, Medicine, Protection, Luck

High quality red wine
Good conversation
Ahi tuna steak
Good humor
Collecting old books
Late-Night Walks
Expanding his Knowledge

Slut shaming
Poor fashion
Grape soda
Playful smirks
Late nights and late mornings
Teasing, though he can't take it
Laughing until he can't breathe


TW: Natural Death.
As the universe breathed life into Demyx, the first face he saw was that of Bast. At the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian society, ruling families, and Pharaohs in particular, communed with the gods and the natural and supernatural comingled more-or-less for the benefit of all. Mortals benefitted from the blessings given to them by various gods, and the deities maintained their power through the worship of mortals. One such goddess was Bast, the cat goddess. She whispered to Demyx who he was and why he was created, her words a soft breeze which caressed him and swirled around him in a comforting blanket of sound. Eyes wide and sparkling, he nodded as he accepted his duties: become part of the first Pharaoh’s family and protect the bloodline for generations to come. A soft kiss to his forehead in blessing, and he soon found himself on the doorstep of Menes, the first King of the newly unified Egypt.
Demyx was welcomed into the family openly, initially because Children of Bast bring good fortune to the families whom they serve. He was loved by all and venerated as a symbol of the house. He protected and cared for the children of the house and they grew older, healed all the members when they were sick, and conveniently disposed of those who might wish to harm their family. He truly was a member of the family, though due to the nature of his duties, always maintained a subservient nature due to his inclination to serve and provide for. This was never exploited by his family, and often the only person enforcing this hierarchy was Demyx himself. He sat at the family table for meals, wrapped around the little ones as they dreamed, and enjoyed a happy life.Though, if there was one certainty about mortals, it is that they die. After an unfortunate accident with a hippopotamus, Menes passed away and his child, Aha, became the next Pharaoh of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Initially, Demyx was nervous that he would be cast aside or that his status would be diminished since Menes was no longer in charge… But children never forget those who cared for them. Demyx’s status as a beloved family member did not change. Aha often called on Demyx as an advisor, seeking the advice he so often received from the Immortal as a child. And so, the dynastic cycle continued—as Aha died, his son Djer ascended to the throne. Then it was Djet, Den, Adjib, Semerkhet… All of whom Demyx had cared for and loved as his own children, advising them and bringing them and their families good fortune and healing for centuries. Qa’a was the last of his family to rule and, on his deathbed, the ruler whispered to Demyx: “Though our dynasty has ended because I am without heir, your kindness and love will never be forgotten by the people of Egypt. Now, be free, our Demyx…” And with his final breath, his family set him free.After this, Demyx felt lost. Mother Bast spoke to him in his dreams, whispering that the blessings that Demyx had bestowed on his family were now those that Bast bestowed onto him. She wished him good fortune and safe travels as his duties were fulfilled beautifully and, thus, he could live an Immortal life of his own designs. Through the wars that followed to determine who would rule Egypt, Demyx sought out candidates for rulers and silently bestowed blessings upon those who reminded him of his family. He was a freelance Child of Bast. He observed as various families and dynasties ruled, always communing with Mother Bast and confirming that he was not overstepping any boundaries. She reassured him that as her child, as long as he held good will and positive intentions, she would always maintain her blessing over him.Then, Egypt fell. Due to external military conflicts, an unstable climate, and outside religions entering the region, the gods weakened. Soon, Mother Bast spoke to him less and less frequently before growing completely silent. As the universe shifted and the Egyptian gods were relegated to mere legends by mortals, Bast too passed away but not before transforming her children into their permanently-humanoid form. He mourned the loss of his goddess, leaving Egypt due to too many memories. He travelled the world aimlessly for one thousand years, never abandoning his quest to bestow good luck on those with the same qualities his original family valued so highly: confidence, humor, individuality, and independence. He never grew jaded, nor did he grow dejected—he only sought to take his own advice and the advice of Qa’a: live his own life, become an individual worth a blessing from Bast. And so he did just that: he explored his interests, bouncing between areas of the world and learning more and more about other cultures. It was curious that everywhere he went, a Golden Age occurred—likely a manifestation of his goddess’ blessings. Thus, he was embroiled in fashion and art and culture and soon found himself yearning to learn more. He began collecting ancient books to preserve his memory of the ancient world, as well as new books to teach him about current events, trends, and interests. The world evolving fascinated him, and he continued to grace the lives of those who he found worthy.In the present day, he has finally felt as though he could settle. The advent of the internet has helped him stay in one place while continuing to learn more and more. As the Night World grew and the supernatural world now back on the main stage of the universe, he dove in. Working at an extremely successful nightclub and casino, The Viper Room, he allows himself to express himself freely, indulge in the pleasures of those around him, and maybe, just maybe, bestowing a little extra good luck on those he deems worthy in the casino.Demyx is currently living in his own, very nice penthouse apartment. After living in Ancient Egypt in the home of the Pharaohs, he maintains a life of luxury. He enjoys designer fashion, filling his closet with the finest adornments he can. His library is his favorite room of his home, as he spends hours there reading and scouring auctions for ancient tomes he did not yet have. He values individual expression and independence. He teases those he likes gently, though often cannot take said teasing in return. His catlike features include his black ears and tail which flicks behind him curiously when amused, as well as his speed and grace in movement. His healing tendencies have decreased since the invention of modern medicine, though he will always provide a healing touch for those wounds, magical and otherwise, which cannot be healed with a band-aid. Carefree as a cat, of which he owns two, he accepted his role as a slave, knowing that no matter who owned him, he could never truly be restrained… Unless he wants to, that is. Like the cats whom Mother Bast created, Demyx was always in charge. And if you think you are in charge of him, it is only because he lets you.


Age: 24
Time Zone: EST
POV: Third Person
Hello dear reader! Just call me Demyx. I'm always available for plotting or even just bouncing ideas off of. I try to reply quickly, but sometimes around things like holidays or crazy weeks at work hold me up. If I don't reply in a few days, send me a quick DM! If you want to try something out, I'm probably down for it. I always require a conversation OOC when it comes to discussing boundaries while writing and kinks/limits during NSFW writing (which I'm open for)!Hit me up!